5 Strategies for Protecting Your Outdoor Decorations From the Elements

September 27 2023

Keep your outdoor decorations looking their best with these 5 strategies for protecting them from the elements. 

As temperatures start to rise and the rain comes down, you may be wondering how to protect your outdoor decorations from the elements. Here are 5 strategies for protecting your outdoor decorations from the elements:

1. Choose the right location. When choosing a spot for your outdoor decorations, be sure to pick a location that is out of the direct path of the sun and away from any trees or bushes that could shed leaves or branches.

2. Use weather-resistant materials. When selecting materials for your outdoor decorations, be sure to choose items that are weather-resistant and can stand up to the elements. Some good options include metal, stone, and concrete.

3. Apply a sealant. If you're using any kind of wood in your outdoor decorations, be sure to seal it with a weather-resistant sealant before putting it in place. This will help protect it from moisture and other damage.

4. Bring it inside when bad weather is forecasted. If there is a chance of severe weather, it's best to bring your outdoor decorations inside until the storm has passed. This will help reduce the risk of them being damaged or blown away.

5. Store it properly when not in use. When you're not using your outdoor decorations, be sure to store them in a dry, safe place. This will help prolong their life and keep them looking their best for years to come.

Sealing Outdoor Decorations

​It's that time of year again! Time to start thinking about sealing outdoor decorations to protect them from the elements. Sealing outdoor decorations is a great way to extend their life and keep them looking their best. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

- Use a clear sealant to maintain the original look of your decorations.

- Apply sealant in a well-ventilated area.

- Make sure the surface you're sealing is clean and dry before you start.

- Apply sealant evenly, using a brush or a sprayer.

- Use multiple thin coats rather than one thick coat.

- Let each coat of sealant dry completely before applying the next.

- Follow the manufacturer's instructions for best results.

Sealing outdoor decorations is a great way to protect your investment and keep your home looking its best. With a little time and effort, you can extend the life of your decorations and enjoy them for years to come.

Storing Unused Decorations Properly

​It's that time of year again! The time when we take down all the decorations and put them away until next year. If you're like most people, you probably have a box or two (or more!) of decorations that you only use once a year. So how can you make sure that your decorations are stored properly so they will be in good condition when you take them out next year?

Here are a few tips:

1. Sunlight - One of the worst things for holiday decorations is sunlight. That's why it's important to store them in a cool, dark place. If you can, find a spot in your basement or closet that doesn't get any sunlight.

2. Snow - If you live in an area where it snows, you'll want to make sure that your holiday decorations are stored in a dry place. Snow and moisture can damage delicate decorations, so it's best to keep them away from any potential moisture.

3. Boxes - When you're storing holiday decorations, it's important to use the right kind of boxes. Cardboard boxes can easily get damaged, so it's best to use plastic bins with lids. This will help protect your decorations from any damage.

4. Labels - It's always a good idea to label your boxes, so you know what's inside. This will save you time when you're looking for specific decorations next year.

5. Wrapping - If you have any delicate or fragile decorations, it's a good idea to wrap them in tissue paper or bubble wrap before putting them in the box. This will help protect them from any potential damage.

By following these simple tips, you can be sure that your decorations will be in good condition when you take them out next year. So take the time to store them properly and enjoy your holiday decorating for many years to come!

Choosing High-Quality Outdoor Decor

​There are a lot of different factors to consider when purchasing outdoor decor, but one of the most important is choosing items that are high quality and built to withstand the elements. Here are five tips to help you make sure you're choosing the best possible outdoor decor for your home:

1. Look for items that are made from durable materials.

The first thing to look for when choosing high-quality outdoor decor is items that are made from durable materials that can stand up to the elements. Some great options include materials like aluminum, stainless steel, and even certain types of plastics.

2. Avoid decor that's made from materials that will rust.

One of the worst things that can happen to outdoor decor is rust, so it's important to avoid materials that are prone to rusting. Some materials to avoid include iron and other metals that are not treated to be resistant to rust.

3. Make sure the outdoor decor you choose is UV resistant.

Another important factor to consider when choosing outdoor decor is whether or not the items you're considering are UV resistant. This is important because the sun can cause some materials to fade or become damaged over time.

4. Choose outdoor decor that's easy to clean.

Outdoor decor is often exposed to dirt, dust, and other debris, so it's important to choose items that are easy to clean. Some materials, like aluminum, are very easy to wipe down or hose off when they get dirty.

5. Consider the overall style of your home.

When choosing outdoor decor, it's also important to consider the overall style of your home. You want to choose items that complement the style of your home and create a cohesive look.

Renewing Seals and Covers as Needed

​Your outdoor decorations are subject to a lot of wear and tear from the elements. Over time, the seals and covers on your decorations can start to degrade, leaving them vulnerable to damage. Here are 5 best ways to protect your outdoor decorations from the elements:

1. Check the seals and covers on your decorations regularly. If you notice any damage, replace them immediately.

2. When storing your decorations, make sure they are in a dry, protected area.

3. When putting up new decorations, use higher quality seals and covers. These will be more durable and last longer.

4. Use weatherproofing spray on your decorations. This will help to protect them from the elements.

5. Bring your decorations inside during extreme weather conditions. This will help to prolong their life.

Choosing the Right Location

​When it comes to choosing the right location for your outdoor decorations, there are a few things you need to take into account. The first is the amount of sun that the spot gets. You don’t want to put your decorations in a spot that gets full sun all day, as this will fade them quickly. Look for a spot that gets partial sun and is out of the direct line of sight from the sun’s rays.

The second thing to consider is the amount of wind the location gets. You don’t want to put your decorations in a spot that is constantly being buffeted by strong winds, as this can damage them. Look for a spot that is sheltered from the wind, such as behind a building or next to a fence.

The third thing to consider is the amount of rain the location gets. You don’t want to put your decorations in a spot that is constantly being drenched by rain, as this will ruin them. Look for a spot that is protected from the rain, such as under an awning or in a covered area.

Once you’ve taken all of these things into account, you can then start to consider the aesthetics of the location. You want to choose a spot that is pleasing to the eye and that will complement your decorations. Keep in mind that you can always add additional lighting or other elements to make the location more festive.

By taking the time to choose the right location for your outdoor decorations, you can be sure that they will last for many years to come.

Using Tie Downs for Windy Spots

​One of the best ways to make sure your outdoor decorations stay put is to use tie downs. This is especially important for any windy spots on your property. Here are five of the best ways to use tie downs to keep your decorations in place:

1. Use heavy-duty zip ties. These are strong and can be easily secured to almost any type of material.

2. Use duct tape. This provides a strong bond and can be wrapped around almost anything.

3. Use rope. This is a classic way to secure things and can be easily tied in a variety of knots.

4. Use bungee cords. These are great for securing larger items and can be easily attached to hooks or other points.

5. Use weights. This is a good option for heavier items that need to be kept in place. You can use sandbags, rocks, or even old food cans filled with sand or dirt.

Considering Water-Resistant Alternatives

​If you're anything like me, you love decorating your front porch and yard for all occasions. But let's face it, we live in some of the coldest, wettest, and windiest locations. So how do you keep your outdoor decorations from being ruined by the elements? Here are five tips:

1. Use water-resistant materials.

This one seems obvious, but it's worth repeating. When choosing your decorations, opt for materials that are resistant to water damage. Some good options include synthetic fabrics, PVC, and acrylic.

2. Use weather-resistant adhesives.

To avoid having your decorations blow away or fall off in the middle of a storm, make sure to use weather-resistant adhesives. Hot glue is a great option, as is double-sided tape.

3. Seal your decorations.

If you're using delicate materials like paper or fabric, sealing them will help protect them from the elements. You can use a clear sealant spray or even just a layer of clear packing tape.

4. Store your decorations properly.

When the warm season is over, it's important to store your decorations properly to keep them from being damaged. Make sure to wrap them up tightly in plastic or put them in storage bins. And if you live in an area with severe weather conditions, it's always a good idea to store them inside your house.

5. Bring your decorations inside during bad weather.

This is probably the most important tip of all. If you know a storm is coming, take your decorations down and bring them inside. It's better to be safe than sorry!

So there you have it, five tips for protecting your outdoor decorations from the elements. By following these tips, you can rest assured that your decorations will stay looking festive all season long.